Whiskey wasn't really my thing for the longest time. In a cake? Yessss! Straight up? Not so much. But it's starting to grow on me as a drink, and quickly too. It's a bit of an old man drink (not to offend to anyone here), but I imagine sophisticated, suit-and-tie guys, drinking this liquor or a glass of Scotch on their Sunday afternoons. And of course there's a golf club, khakis, and Cuban cigars scattered around somewhere in that image too. Sazerac is just old fashioned like that. Classic and elegant. The way this drink is prepared is what sets it apart. Bitters are used, and the glass is first chilled, and then a splash of Absinthe is used to coat the inside of the glass before the rest of the drink is added. It's pretty fancy.
LONG ISLAND wonder why I chalked these up to being fatal if consumed. I won't get completely into it, but these drinks can have you waking up butt naked in the middle of the desert (when you actually live in NYC somewhere) strapped to a zebra. They spell nothing but D-A-N-G-E-R. These used to be my go-to-drink simply because my fear of the unknown left me loyal, also it's very tasty. Since building this chart, however, I can bare witness to the make-up of "death in a glass". I'm exaggerating a little, but really, how many different liquors can be put into ONE drink? And we've all heard you're not suppose to mix your liquors unless you'd like to end up hospitalized.
I've always wondered, "WHAT THE HELL is actually IN a Bloody Mary!" It's looks like those people at table two are drinking gazpacho from a glass! It seems like a meal, not a drink; nevertheless, it's extremely popular, and I'm still confused till this day. Well, I'm not COMPLETELY in awe. I DO understand it's appeal; It's a miracle hangover-curer that all comes together with the twirl of a celery stick. It's served at breakfast and brunch for those who didn't know when to say when the night before. :P It's such a complex drink though, layered with spices and flavorings, that in the end, it IS ultimately reminiscent of a soup. Some bars even flavor their Bloody Mary's with bouillon cubes! How soupier could you get?
Gin and Vermouth. Now THIS is a classic cocktail! If I were every attached to a ticking-time bomb and asked to list 5 cocktails or they'd blow me to smithereens, "Martini with an olive!" would be answer number one. I couldn't imagine ordering it at a bar though, especially not at my age. It's kind of a pretentious cocktail, and I mean that in the most respectful way.
FACT # 1: Gin is a spirit made from juniper berries.
I didn't knowwww! o-0
FACT # 2: Some people think a Martini doesn't need Vermouth at all, just Gin and olives, at the most just a hint of Vermouth.
FACT # 3: Apple-tinis are also yummy.

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